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Tracking Time in Real Time
Tracking Time in Real Time

Learn how team members and guests can track their time live with Rodeo Drive

Corrie Hermans-Webster avatar
Written by Corrie Hermans-Webster
Updated over a week ago

Rodeo Drive's Time feature gives users the flexibility of either using its in-app stopwatch to track time in real-time or logging worked hours through a time card at a later time.

Follow these steps to track time on a project's activity in real-time β€” like a clock-in/clock-out method:

Step 1: Go to Time located at the top bar menu.

Step 2: Locate the time activity (or time card) you wish to track time for, then click on the correspondingplay icon as illustrated in the example below. A blue timer will start to record time until you manually stop it. This means you can close the tab or even log out of Rodeo Drive without interrupting the timer.

Note: If you don't see the time activity you wish to track time, then you will need to create a time card for that activity before being able to track time live. Read how to create time cards here.

Step 3: When ready to clock out for the day or you've completed the task, simply click theblue stop icon next to the active timer. You will be asked to confirm you want to finish the timer. Press Confirm to save.

Canceling a timer

If you accidentally start a timer or start it in the wrong time activity, click thestop symbol next to it as seen below. A dialog window will pop up where you can select Delete timer to cancel it.

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